Monday, May 17, 2010

It Ain't Easy....

BEING MARRIED! Yup, I said it. I debated long and hard about posting this blog. However, I feel that it needs to be posted and needs to be said - the raw, the real, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I hope that this post will shed light and bring comfort to you in some way. I want this blog to be real and transparent, and although our pictures show smiles, good times, etc. All is not always wells. We just don't have the pictures to prove it (thank goodness)!

What I DON'T know: The Man. His Mind. His Thoughts. His Reasoning. His communicating. OMG. The Man is a total mystery to me. I swear Man and Woman could not be MORE polar opposite! And just when you think HE can't be more different.....marriage puts a spotlight on it! We both say things differently, interpret things differently, show affection in different ways, and appreciate each other in different ways. It's almost comical (well, only after we kiss and make up)!

What I DO know: My Father in Heaven. I know that He ultimately put Man and Woman together for a reason. He knew that we needed each other. That we would complete each other. God knew that Clayton would complete me and strengthen me. God has such a sweet and loving heart for us and has BIG plans for us (even when it's hard to see).

We are definitely on a journey up here in the mountains - us Wells! I, personally, am trusting God in this season. This life that looks completely different than the life I lived six months job, new town, new roommate! If you have time to pray for us and this foundation we're building, we gladly accept! Stay tuned to see where this journey takes us.....


  1. I will absolutely be praying for y'all! And I will tell you 2 things that helped unravel some of those mysteries for us:
    1. The Gallup Strengths...I know you know yours, but if he hasn't taken it, get him to...knowing Jorge's strengths TOTALLY changed the way I related to him and understood him.
    2. Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class - this helped us to communicate about MONEY...the #1 thing couple fight about! There are no more money arguments in our house...we are on the same page and we have a plan for our future!!

    Love you girl and praying for y'all and your new life!

  2. Hey girl! So i saw you started a blog a couple weeks ago and I am obsessed with blogs so immediately started following yours! Love seeing what you are up to and absolutely love this post. I so remember this feeling a couple years city, no job, no friends nearby and of course the roommate thing! haha it does get better and it is also the best thing to have just each other as you start this new phase of life, we are still adapting but I am so grateful for OUR time together the good and the bad! Hope our paths might cross soon--atl, auburn??

  3. Love your honesty, sweet friend. Never forget that you are being prayed for daily by so many!

  4. I know this feeling. Men for sure are hard to understand but you will get in your grove. Marriage takes work and is NOT easy. A hard thing for me to except was that my husband had SO many hobbies that didnt really involve me and I felt left out or that he would rather do those things than spend time with me. Hunting, golfing, sporting clay tournaments-you name it! But, you will learn each others needs, it just takes time. A good book that we read at our last Bible study is called "Calm My Anxious Heart" by Linda Dillow and it was absolutely amazing! Check it out!
